
com.kkbox.openapideveloper / com.kkbox.openapideveloper.api / SearchFetcher


class SearchFetcher

Search API, the types it can search includes artists, albums, tracks, or playlists. Default to search all types, use “,” to separate types if you want to use multiple types to search at the same time.


<init> SearchFetcher(httpClient: HttpClient, territory: String = "TW")
Search API, the types it can search includes artists, albums, tracks, or playlists. Default to search all types, use “,” to separate types if you want to use multiple types to search at the same time.


q lateinit var q: String
type var type: String?


fetchSearchResult fun fetchSearchResult(limit: Int? = null, offset: Int? = null): ResponseFuture<JsonObject>
Fetch the search result.
setSearchCriteria fun setSearchCriteria(q: String, type: String? = null): SearchFetcher
Search within KKBOX’s database.